Workplace Wellness

Corporate Modules for women cover | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

Corporate Modules for Women

A woman excellently performs her life’s roles: daughter, wife, and mother. She manages to achieve a balance between her professional and personal life. But, somewhere along the way, she forgets herself- she loses track of who she is and what is happening with her body and mind.

There are three main stages in every woman’s life – Puberty, Marriage, and Conception and menopause. Each of these stages comes with their issues. Inner issues such as hormonal imbalances can lead to problems such as bone loss, back pain and insufficient absorption of nutrients.

A large percentage of our workforce is women. Physically fit, mentally satisfied and happy women make excellent and productive employees.

Our programs are tailor-made for women & cover all relevant topics that can help them achieve inner and outer beauty and health.

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Do you use your laptop on your lap | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

Why you shouldn’t use a laptop on your lap

The modern man or woman today is more married to their laptop than to their spouse! Jokes apart, people do spend enormous amounts of time with their laptops, and usually in awkward postures. When laptops were invented they were meant to differentiate a portable class of PC from desktops and hence got termed laptops. But the term laptop is really a misnomer! The laptop is not really meant to be used on the lap for a variety of reasons.

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Office Ergonomics, ergonomics, workstation, workstation ergonomics

Office Ergonomics: How do you create an ergonomic workstation?

Day in and day out I get patients whose pain has originated at their workplace. So no matter how much they treat their condition, the minute they get back into faulty postures at work, they are back to square one. Whether you are a gym enthusiast or a sedentary person glued to your laptop, it is essential to know how to keep yourself injury-free at work.

Office Ergonomics: How do you create an ergonomic workstation? Read More »