
Is there a difference between workout shoes and running shoes | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

Is There a Difference Between Workout Shoes and Running Shoes?

In this day and age of fitness trends and a wealth of information online, it is important to make sure that you are not being misled into issues that can impact your health negatively. One such fitness fact that needs to be understood is the right kind of shoe to wear while working out. Some people who are into various kinds of fitness activities understand that each activity might need a different kind of footwear. However, there are others that think that a shoe is a shoe! This ignorance can mean injuring your knee or your back and having to abandon your fitness goals. Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen to you!

Is There a Difference Between Workout Shoes and Running Shoes? Read More »

Should I Run Backwards | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

Should I Run Backwards?

If the idea seems a little strange to you, rest assured it’s not a new one. In fact, it may be a great way to add some fun into your training especially since the benefits of running backwards are many! Running backwards! Yes, it seems rather incredulous. But it has been used in training and as a part of general fitness in Japan and Europe for quite some time now.

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10 April 2020 Do I have the right Running Shoe | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

How to Choose the Right Running Shoes?

Whether you are a new runner or a seasoned one, basic facts about ‘the right running shoe for you’ (unless you are a barefoot runner) are very important to understand and implement. Your choice of running shoes can make the difference between running in comfort or pain, and most importantly, whether you stay healthy or get injured. Too often I find runners experimenting with expensive shoes only to end up in pain. Understanding the basics of buying the right running shoe for you will save you lots of time, money and will keep you running for long.

How to Choose the Right Running Shoes? Read More »

Knee Supports One Pro Numerous Cons | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

Are You Using a Knee Support While Gymming or Running for Pain Management or Prevention? STOP RIGHT NOW!

I often see runners, sports players and gym enthusiasts wearing a knee brace/support every time they play or lift weights. If it was up to me I would personally go up to them and lecture them about the harm they are doing to themselves by doing so. But since it may not be considered appropriate, I decided to write about it.

Are You Using a Knee Support While Gymming or Running for Pain Management or Prevention? STOP RIGHT NOW! Read More »

What is “the wall” and how does it affect my running | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

What is “the wall” and How does it affect my running?

Most full marathoners have hit the “wall” at some point and hence know what it feels like. In scientific terms, the “wall” is when glycogen depletion occurs while running. We store enough carbohydrates in the form of glycogen in our muscles and liver to run about 28 to 30 kms and then we hit the wall of glycogen depletion. Our muscles…

What is “the wall” and How does it affect my running? Read More »