fitness trend

No Pain No Gain | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

STOP swearing by ‘No Pain, No Gain’: Find Out Why and How this cliched motto is harmful to your health and fitness

Do you believe in the cliché No pain No gain? This probably depends on who you have heard this say or in what context. Pain means different things to different people. When I treat patients with spine or sports injuries in the clinic, I often ask what kind of pain they have. Yes – what kind of pain- because different kinds of pain mean different things. For example…

STOP swearing by ‘No Pain, No Gain’: Find Out Why and How this cliched motto is harmful to your health and fitness Read More »

back pain, mechanical back pain, back pain prevention, back pain management, chronic back pain

Back Pain: 5 Exercises That Can Cause or Worsen your Back Pain!

“I hurt my back while I was doing crunches!” I have heard this not just once but numerous times. Back pain is one of the commonest ailments that afflict the modern man; partly because of sedentary life that weakens core muscles but partly also because in the race to get fit quickly, exercises that shouldn’t really be done are done with great zeal. This leads to a back injury and then, of course, all exercise is given up forever. The solution is to know the right kind of exercises for your body and this only comes from consulting a professional. Anyone who joins a gym without hiring a certified fitness trainer is looking for trouble. The same goes for anyone who begins an exercise program on their own at home by following online videos.

Back Pain: 5 Exercises That Can Cause or Worsen your Back Pain! Read More »

Barefoot Squats All you need to know | Orthosports Physiotherapy by Dr. Rajani Patil

Barefoot Squats: Just another trend or an actually helpful technique? Here’s the answer!

Squats are one of the most important compound full-body exercises that work on many muscles together and the best part is that they mimic functional movement patterns. It improves muscle strength, mobility of joints and also strengthens tendons, joints, and ligaments of the lower body. Since your feet make the base for a squat, it is important to understand whether there are certain benefits of doing squats barefoot instead of with shoes.

Barefoot Squats: Just another trend or an actually helpful technique? Here’s the answer! Read More »